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Destroy the Legion

Cette quête est marquée comme obsolète par Blizzard et ne peut être obtenue ou accomplie.
Slay 15 of any demon type at Felfire Hill, Demon Fall Canyon, or demon Fall Ridge and then return to Valusha at Splintertree Post in Ashenvale.


Démons tués  (15) (1)


The remains of the demonic Burning Legion have been a thorn in our side for far too long!

No more!

The demons are attacking from the areas known as Felfire Hill, Demon Fall Canyon and Demon Fall Ridge to the east.

Go and destroy as many as you can to bring glory to both yourself and the Horde!


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Vérifiez si vous l'avez déjà terminé en tapant :
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(9534))

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