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[Atal'Dazar: Locking Horns]
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[Atal'Dazar: Locking Horns]

[Go to Atal'Dazar and recover The Golden Horn of Rezan.]
La corne dorée de Rezan (1)


[We've got tha metal for tha base and tha body, but there's one last part...

Tha horn of tha anvil was ta be made of ukrite. But that metal's been gone for ages.

There is another metal tha's very close ta it in terms of its durability. A type of gold tha trolls mined in abundance. And I know where ye can find it.

Tha trolls control an area called Atal'Dazar, a great city made o' tha stuff. If ye can find something horn-shaped in there, that'll save us tha trouble of shaping it from scratch.]


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