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[A Shaman's Duty]

[Gather 4 ghost blossoms to burn on the campfire in order to rescue the ghost wolf's companions.]
Floraison du voile (4)
[Blossoms burned on campfire] (1)
[Captured ghost wolves freed] (3)
Vieux grimoire (1)


[Greetings, young one. Your compatriots cannot see me. Only you, for you have been trained in the ways of a shaman. The necrotic energies of this island have ensnared my pack. I need your aid to free them. Gather veil blossoms from surrounding area. Burn them on the campfire and breath deep of their smoke. Then you will be able to see my packmates and release them from their bonds.]


Vous apprendrez :
Loup fantôme
Vous recevrez également :


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Vérifiez si vous l'avez déjà terminé en tapant :
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(59969))

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