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[Emergency Efforts]

[Use the Argussian Mana Ray to fly to Bloodmyst Isle with Chieftain Hatuun.]


[Argussian Mana Ray mounted] (1)


[Ride to Bloodmyst Isle] (1)


[<nom>! Velen told me I may find you here. He needs your assistance. The satyr that infest a nearby island have been ambushing draenei traveling for the Tishamaat. Velen and I have been attempting to solve the problem quietly. He does not wish to mobilize the vindicators and alarm his people on a day of sacrament. But, despite our efforts, the attacks have continued. The event may need to be canceled if we cannot get the demons under control. Come with me so we may end this threat.]


Vous recevrez :
Pierres de Vol


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Vérifiez si vous l'avez déjà terminé en tapant :
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(78076))

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